A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Browser version was ravaged by Wraiths, please download one of the builds for the true experience!

Game Information


  • WASD: Movement
  • Shift: Sprint
  • Space: Jump
  • F: Interact/Pickup
  • G: Drop
  • Left Mouse Button: Spear attack
  • Right Mouse Button: Use shield
  • Left Mouse Button (while using shield): Throw spear

Game Description:

Step into the shoes of a hunter, lost in a strange, desolate landscape where nature and forgotten technology collide. In this atmospheric exploration game, players navigate eerie spike-filled forests, solving intricate puzzles and engaging in tense, melee-focused combat with a spear and shield. Face hostile cultists performing strange rituals and confront terrifying wraiths that guard the secrets of an ancient world. With each puzzle, uncover remnants of a fallen civilization—long forgotten, its ruins now a playground for death and radiation. Will you unravel the mystery before it's too late, or will you fall victim to the wasteland's toxic secrets?

Original Soundtrack

Echoes of Stillness - A Short Novelization (SPOILERS)

The hunter stalks his prey—a rabbit, quick and elusive. With nimble steps, it darts into a strange, unfamiliar place—an eerie spike forest where crystalline structures rise like jagged teeth from the earth. The hunter hesitates only briefly before following, spear in hand.

As he ventures into this alien landscape, the air grows thick with tension, the spikes shimmering with an unnatural glow. The rabbit vanishes ahead, leaving the hunter lost in a maze of stone pillars and radiation-tainted air. An uneasy quiet hangs in the atmosphere, broken only by the hunter’s breath and the faint hum that seems to rise from the earth itself.

In the shadow of the towering spikes, the hunter encounters his first obstacle: a puzzle carved into the stone. The pieces fit together, shifting with subtle mechanical sounds, as the hunter works to unlock the path ahead. He presses forward, but not for long—danger lurks close by.

Out of the mist, a cultist emerges. His eyes burn with a fanatical glow, his movements swift and dangerous. The hunter engages, but in the scuffle, his spear snaps against the cultist’s body. Disarmed, the hunter is forced to improvise. As the cultist falls, the hunter spots a spear lodged into a nearby log—its tip made from the same mysterious material as the spikes. With renewed resolve, he seizes it and moves onward.

The rabbit is gone. It will not return.

The hunter pushes deeper into the spike forest, his new weapon in hand. Strange shapes begin to loom ahead, half-hidden by fog and shadow. Through a crack in the rocks, he spies a gathering of cultists passing through a pair of heavy double doors. The hunter approaches cautiously but is forced to confront the remaining cultists barring his path. One by one, they fall to his new spear, their blood pooling at his feet.

Ahead, the puzzle awaits—a challenge not just of strength, but of understanding. The hunter steps into a chamber dominated by three stone pedestals, each waiting for a cube of strange, spike-like material. The cubes are scattered, their shapes and markings obscure. As the hunter strikes each cube with his spear, they emit low, harmonic tones, each sound resonating with a different frequency. Slowly, he realizes that only by matching the right cube to the right pedestal will he unlock the path forward.

It takes time, but the hunter places the cubes carefully. A final strike rings out, a tremor shaking the ground beneath him. The double doors creak open, revealing the path ahead—but with it comes a new terror.

A wraith, born of the same cursed energy that animates the spike forest, emerges from the shadows. Its form is ghostly—tattered remnants of a human shape wrapped in wisps of smoke. Dark energy pulses from it as it hovers, a faint, keening sound vibrating in the hunter’s chest. The wraith does not charge; it stalks, studying him, forcing him into a deadly dance.

The hunter lunges, thrusting his spear toward the wraith’s core, but the weapon passes through its ghostly body, leaving nothing but cold air in its wake. The wraith counters with a sudden swipe of its spectral hand, a blow that sends the hunter staggering, his vision darkening as the world spins around him.

Determined, the hunter steadies himself. The wraith is swift, but not invincible. A glint of light catches his eye—the spear's tip hums in harmony with the spike-like material embedded in the forest. In that moment, he realizes the key. Timing his strikes, he aims for the wraith when it nears the spike clusters, using the resonance between his spear and the surrounding environment. A piercing thrust sends a shockwave of energy through the air. The wraith lets out a distorted scream, unraveling into a haze of smoke.

Breathing heavily, the hunter stands over the dissipating fog, victorious. But the battle has taken its toll—his body aches, his energy waning.

The wraith gone, the hunter presses on. He follows the trail of the cultists, now lying dead in the path before him, their bodies twisted and broken. The wraiths had claimed them, their deaths brutal and swift. Yet amidst the carnage, something catches his eye—a final sound cube, identical to those from the earlier puzzle.

The hunter knows what to do. He retrieves the cube and finds the last pedestal, this one perched beside a murky puddle that blocks his path. With a heavy breath, he places the cube, and as he strikes it, the liquid begins to drain, revealing the way forward.

What awaits is not salvation but a precipice. The hunter stumbles to the edge of a pit, looking down into the heart of the spike forest—a strange building rises from its depths, a monument to a forgotten catastrophe. The pit itself appears to be the center of the spike field. He can go no further without descending. A misstep, a slip, and the hunter falls, tumbling into the abyss below.

Bruised but alive, the hunter rises. In the pit’s depths, surrounded by towering spikes, he spots a hatch—its design foreign, industrial. It’s his only way out. With little choice, he approaches it. The hatch creaks as it opens, revealing something hidden beneath the surface—vast containers of decayed, toxic waste, a remnant of a civilization long gone. Bright, yellow symbols mark the area, but the hunter, a thousand years removed from the age of technology, doesn’t understand their meaning. To him, they are mere patterns, nothing more.

A foul, metallic odor seeps into the air as the hatch fully opens. The hunter hesitates for a moment, peering into the darkness below, oblivious to the danger. Unknowingly, he inhales the poisonous fumes, exposing himself to a lethal dose of radiation.

His steps falter. As his strength fades, he stumbles and collapses beside the open hatch. The once-fearsome hunter, who survived the spike forest and wraiths, succumbs not to a blade, but to the invisible poison of an ancient, broken world.

The end comes quietly, the desolate landscape around him unchanged. The secrets of the past remain buried, and the hunter’s story ends where the echoes of a long-dead civilization still linger.


EchoesOfStillness_Linux.zip 366 MB
EchoesOfStillness_Windows.zip 368 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the zip file
2. Extract the downloaded zip file
3. Launch the game, and enjoy!

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