v1.2 ChangeLog

The game was originally submitted for Brackeys 2024.2 Game Jam, but Version 1.0 of the WebGL build was unfortunately broken, featuring invisible terrain and numerous bugs—some of which were game-breaking or game-locking, preventing players from progressing. Due to these issues, we had to disable WebGL entirely and rely on downloads for desktop platforms instead. As anyone familiar with game jam voting knows, WebGL > downloads during the voting period, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. However, with the release of Version 1.2, the WebGL version finally works as intended, with major bugs resolved to ensure a smoother and more accessible experience. Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Version 1.2


  • Fixed invisible terrain issue in WebGL version
  • Fixed weird FMOD WebGL audio issues
  • Fixed Credits rolling at different speed at different fps
  • Fixed post-process filters not working
  • Fixed Double-Doors in Sound Cube Puzzle area not having an impact sound
  • Fixed the Sound Cube Puzzle Checkpoint
  • Fixed Sound Cube Attach/Detach infinite loop
  • Fixed Sound Cube not correctly detaching from pedestal when picked up
  • Fixed a harmless Null Exception that occurred when the Puddle drained
  • Fixed unbroken spear killing first enemy with a single throw

Improved Immersion

  • Removed the “floor in the hole” (Placed darkness inside the Finale Hatch)
  • Decreased Camera Shake intensity during double door opening/closing to prevent camera clipping
  • Dead Cultist positions adjusted to prevent Sound Cube getting buried in the Wraith area
  • Made it more difficult to force your way to the next area by climbing rocks and stuff
  • Removed ability to move the view at the end completely
  • Added a ramp to the Finale so player doesn’t have to jump
  • Disabled Jump after climbing the ramp
  • Sprint disabling moved a few meters back
  • Removed physics interactions between spear and enemies when spear is embedded in enemies after throw
  • Removing a Sound Cube after puzzle is completed closes the double doors
  • Added Blood Effect as a visual feedback of damage
  • Increased Texture Resolutions on Desktop Platforms (Linux, Windows, and Mac)


  • Menu added to improve SaveLoadSystem and to fix FMOD related browser compatibility issues
  • Optimized performance by decreasing draw calls slightly

Version 1.1

  • Fixed SoundCube falling through the terrain when dropped
  • Fixed SoundCube Pickup/Drop infinite loop


EchoesOfStillness_v1.2_Linux.zip 444 MB
3 days ago
EchoesOfStillness_v1.2_Windows.zip 446 MB
3 days ago
EchoesOfStillness_v1.2_Mac.app.zip 442 MB
3 days ago
EchoesOfStillness_v1.1_Linux.zip 354 MB
7 days ago
EchoesOfStillness_v1.1_Windows.zip 348 MB
5 days ago
EchoesOfStillness_v1.1_Mac.app.zip 331 MB
5 days ago

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